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29 September 2021 - 1 October 2021
Genoa, Italy
Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2021

Waiting for MIT4LS2021, ongoing face-to-face virtual meetings

As the 7th edition of MIT4LS has been postponed by several months, an ongoing virtual partnering session has been set up to avoid missing business, project proposals, collaboration opportunities for the MIT4LS community, closing on the 15th of May 2021.

After the 15th of May, the Waiting for MIT4LS2021 session will not be available, so no virtual meetings will be possible through the matchmaking plalform,
but the internal messaging system will remain fully functional.

To select the Waiting for MIT4LS2021 session you have to check the corresponding attendance during registration (last page of attendance) or select it later on from the panel Meetings, then Availability on the right, and tick the checkbox of the session.

Participants will then be able to request virtual meetings anytime until few months before the physical event in September, up to mid May. You will be informed by e-mail of any updates.

The new long-term matchmaking session functions similarly to regular matchmaking sessions, with a few exceptions. Searching and selecting a participant for meetings works as explained in the How it works section.

When requesting a meeting, you can choose the length of the virtual meeting (15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes, but the meeting can last more once started, video call won't terminate unless you do so) and select the date of the meeting and the hou. Confirm by clicking on Next.

In the Meeting panel of the participant receiving the request, the pending meeting appears like this:

Accepting the meeting the requesting participant will receive a confirmation notification and the meeting will be added under your agenda.

You can share the link of the virtual meeting up to 5 guests (no need to register to the matching platform) clicking "Invite guests" and copying the link provided. More about the invite guests features here.

Meetings can also be rescheduled through the corresponding button. Rescheduling options allows the guest to propose alternative times in respect to the one proposed by the requester. Alternatively, the date and the time for the meeting can be discussed by chatting, through the Messages functionality.

Check your agenda and respect the time of the meeting! You can also take a look at the technical requirements for the virtual meetings, to make sure your meeting will run smoothly. You will NOT receive reminders that your meeting will start; therefore we recommend to add your meeting to your calendar (under Agenda, top right button). 

    See also the instructional video.

    For a guide on virtual meetings in B2match, visit the page here. You can invite guests to your meetings, sharing the link of the planned web call. Have a look here for details.

    Closed since 20 September 2021
    Magazzini del Cotone, Porto Antico
    Organised by
    Participants 416
    Meetings 905
    Italy 325
    Spain 18
    France 17
    Switzerland 16
    Germany 12
    United Kingdom 10
    Netherlands 9
    Austria 7
    Slovenia 5
    Ireland 5
    Hungary 5
    Latvia 4
    Türkiye 3
    Belgium 3
    Croatia 3
    Poland 3
    Romania 3
    Israel 3
    Bulgaria 2
    Serbia 2
    Canada 2
    Portugal 2
    Ukraine 2
    India 2
    United States 2
    Finland 1
    Taiwan 1
    Greece 1
    Lithuania 1
    Monaco 1
    Total 470
    Company (founded before 2018) 189
    Start-up (founded in 2018 or after) 96
    R&D Institution 42
    Consultant 40
    University 23
    Associations, Government institutions 21
    Cluster/Technology or Science Park 20
    Investor 17
    Healthcare facility/hospital 12
    Other 10
    Total 470
    Profile views
    Before event 49010
    After event 2172
    Total 51182